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lundi 18 janvier 2010

A Cyber-Attack on an American City - Bruce Perens

Suite aux attaques de chinois sur Google et via le même Google, j'ai trouvé ce "fait-divers" informatique qui montre que trop de centralisation des réseaux peut amener des catastrophes:

En Avril 2009 une ville des Etats-Unis a perdu par malveillance 8 câbles de fibre optiques. Ceux-ci ayant été sabotés. À la suite de quoi, cette ville et trois contés environnants ont eu la mauvaise surprise de n'avoir plus de réseau d'urgence (le 911), plus de téléphonie mobile, plus de téléphone, plus d'xDSL, plus de réseaux privés (Intranet sur VPN probablement) plus d'alarmes pompier ni d'alarme de surveillance, Plus de distributeurs de billets et même l'hôpital local qui était censé pouvoir avoir son réseau indépendant a perdu son informatique pour la journée.... et je ne parle pas d'autres automates divers comme les commandes agricoles....

"On Thursday, April 9, unidentified attackers climbed down four manholes serving the Northern California city of Morgan Hill and cut eight fiber cables in what appears to have been an organized attack on the electronic infrastructure of an American city. Its implications, though startling, have gone almost un-reported.

That attack demonstrated a severe fault in American infrastructure: its centralization. The city of Morgan Hill and parts of three counties lost 911 service, cellular mobile telephone communications, land-line telephone, DSL internet and private networks, central station fire and burglar alarms, ATMs, credit card terminals, and monitoring of critical utilities. In addition, resources that should not have failed, like the local hospital's internal computer network, proved to be dependent on external resources, leaving the hospital with a "paper system" for the day.

Commerce was disrupted in a 100-mile swath around the community, from San Jose to Gilroy and Monterey. Cash was king for the day as ATMs and credit card systems were down, and many found they didn't have sufficient cash on hand. Services employees dependent on communication were sent home. The many businesses providing just-in-time operations to agriculture could not communicate."

Bruce Perens - A Cyber-Attack on an American City

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