
Je me pose plein de questions, Internet est un moyen d'y répondre

Nom :

La devise de la France est Liberté - Égalité - Fraternité. Cette devise peut et doit nous aider à trouver le bon chemin.

mardi 31 juillet 2007

Facebook se métamorphose en web OS -

Facebook se métamorphose en web OS en achetant parakey !

What is Parakey?

Parakey is both a platform and a set of applications. The platform, written in Python, C++ and JavaScript, offers a means of building applications that merge the best of the desktop and the Web. Like desktop apps, these apps work offline, offer more privacy than pure websites, run quickly, and integrate with the system. But like Web apps, they are also more creative, visually alluring, accessible from anywhere and potentially accessible by anyone. In short, Parakey apps are designed to be both useful and social, a combination that is too rare today.

à suivre...

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