
Je me pose plein de questions, Internet est un moyen d'y répondre

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La devise de la France est Liberté - Égalité - Fraternité. Cette devise peut et doit nous aider à trouver le bon chemin.

lundi 31 juillet 2006

weekly audio/text security column by Steve Gibson and Leo Laporte now in episode 50 - ShieldsUp! Internet security checkup - SpinRite to maintain HDs

The ShieldsUps! Internet security checkup service is created to verify if any of your computer ports are open to intrusion on Internet.

I really recommend to use this tool regularly as a security check.

You can find explanation too on the website Hot Spots, after the star product of the company : SpinRite a tool for Recovery/Repair/Maintain ...

The security guys, creator of these tools are also maintaining a very interesting podcast on security subjects for one year now.

This podcast is maintained with written transcripts too for those who like me are not english native and/or could have some audio/understanding problems.

The [ Featuring episode #50 of the podcast is here !]
Subject : Virtual Machine History & Technology