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jeudi 8 décembre 2005

Web development : with Ajax and Flash, AFLAX give a set of vector drawing controls to web browsers

In the windows 3.0 and BBS good ol' time there was a library which you can use to transmit vector drawings and animations in BBS pages. Then arrives the time of Internet and this kind of stuff disappeared.
It such a long time from now that I can't even remember the name of this old BBS library but for me Macromedia Flash is one of the direct child of this time.

Now to give drawings to Internet web browsers or to be more exact to create what we call now Rich Internet Applications (RIA) AFLAX is a method through which developers may use JavaScript and Flash together to create AJAX-type applications, but with a much richer set of vector drawing controls than are available in either Internet Explorer or FireFox.

You can find a demo of AFLAX with Javascript source [here!] You need an installed Flash 8.0 to see the demo

Désolé pour les petits français mais il faut apprendre l'anglais. Il trop tard dans la nuit pour traduire sinon utilisez reverso.