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La devise de la France est Liberté - Égalité - Fraternité. Cette devise peut et doit nous aider à trouver le bon chemin.

samedi 6 août 2005

Business Process Management <==> Workflow modeling

Over the years, the scope of business processes and BPM (M for management and sometimes modeling ) has broadened. Less than a decade ago, BPM, known then as "workflow," was a groupware technology that helped manage and drive largely human-based, paper-driven processes within a corporate department. For example, to handle a claim, an insurance claims process, taking as input a scanned image of a paper claims form, would pass the form electronically from the mailbox (or worklist) of one claims specialist to that of another, mimicking the traditional movement of interoffice mail from desk to desk. BPM today is an enterprise integration technology complementing Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA), Enterprise Application Integration (EAI), and Enterprise Service Bus (ESB).... What Is Business Process Modeling?: "What Is Business Process Modeling?"

From the Java Business Process Management:
Open source workflow and the BPM-market